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Get in touch with us to start your journey

Get in touch with us to start your journey

General contact information

Pedab Denmark A/S
Vibeholms Allé 16, 2. sal,
2605 Brøndby

Phone number
+45 50 77 01 50 (08.00-17.00 CET)

Pedab Denmark A/S: 29816255

Fakturaer sendes til
Pedab Group AB (att: Inscanningen)
Box 1274 | 501 12 Borås | SWEDEN
Bemærk: Betalingsbetingelser er netto 30 dage
Send faktura på e-mail til: invoice@pedab.se

Send us an email

Find your personal contact

Employees Denmark

Thomas Grosbøl

Country Manager Denmark

Gry Nejstgaard

Business Unit Director of Data & Analytics - Denmark

Annemette Rickert

Program Manager - Denmark

Jens von Arenstorff

Director of Business Development - Denmark

Claus Friberg Stensbjerg

VP of ID - Pedab Group

Kenneth Hermann

Director of Infrastructure Development - Pedab Group

Henrik Nordholt

Business Development Manager - Denmark

Tobias Gottschalk

Business Development Representative - Denmark

Mariana Skeel

Channel Enablement Manager - Denmark

Lars Simonsen

Enterprise Solution Architect - Denmark

Lars Hein

Business Unit Leader TSS & RSS - Denmark

Pedab's office in Denmark


Vibeholms Allé 16,
2605 Brøndby

+45 50 77 01 50 infodk@pedab.com
Pedab's office in Estonia


Lõõtsa 5,
11415 Tallinn, Ülemiste City 1

+372 502 1266 info@pedab.lv


Laajalahdentie 23,
00330 Helsinki

+35 820 775 6360 info@pedab.fi
Pedab's office in France


280 Boulevard Saint Germain,
75007 Paris

+331 40 94 44 50 commercial@pedab.fr
Pedab's office in Latvia


Bauskas iela 58A,
905, Riga

+371 67103150 info@pedab.lv
Pedab's office in Lithuania


Konstitucijos pr. 26,
LT-08105 Vilnius

+370 653 77771 info@pedab.lv
Pedab's office in Norway


Stortingsgata 4,
0158 Oslo

+47 47 65 77 00 info@pedab.no


Brain Embassy
ul. Rzymowskiego 53, p.8
02-697 Warszawa

Pedab's office in Sweden


Telegrafgatan 8A,
169 72 Solna, Stockholm

+46 8 587 237 00 info@pedab.se

Sweden - Borås

Nils Jakobsonsgatan 5
504 30 Borås

+46 33 700 15 00 info@pedab.se